Efecto del potencial osmótico de la solución nutritiva en la producción de licopeno en tomate (Slanum lycopersicum L)
Se estudio el efecto del potencial osmótico (Ψo) de la solución nutritiva sobre la concentración de licopeno en el fruto de tomate, para lo cual se desarrolló un experimento factorial en condiciones hidropónicas en un sistema abierto. Se estudiaron 4 niveles de (Ψo): -0.072, -0.0804, -0.088 y -0.096 MPa, y tres tipos de tomate, saladette, bola y cherry. Se evaluó la concentración de licopeno en el fruto, así como la concentración potasio en hoja y fruto, además del peso de frutos del primer racimo, firmeza del fruto, acidez titulable, sólidos solubles totales y vitamina C. Los frutos que presentaron la mayor concentración de licopeno fueron aquellos a los que se aplicó la solución nutritiva con Ψo de -0.096 MPa. _______________ OSMOTIC POTENTIAL EFFECT OF NUTRIENT SOLUTION ON THE PRODUCTION OF LYCOPENE ON TOMATO (Solanum lycopersicum L.). ABSTRACT: In order to study the effect of the osmotic potential (Ψo) of the nutrient solution on concentration of lycopene in tomato fruit; a factorial experiment was developed under hydroponical open system. Four levels of (Ψo) were studied: -0.072, -0.0804, -0.088 and -0.096 MPa and 3 types of tomato, saladettee, ball and cherry. The fruit’s lycopene concentration was evaluated along with concentration of potassium on the leave and the fruit in addition to the fruit’s weight on the first cluster, as well as the firmness of the fruit, tritatable acidity, total soluble solids and vitamin C. The fruits that had the highest concentration of lycopene were those that were supplied with the nutrient solution with Ψo of -0.096 MPa.
- Tesis MC, MT, MP y DC [349]