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dc.contributor.authorZárate Rodríguez, Araís
dc.creatorZÁRATE RODRÍGUEZ, ARAÍS; 785443
dc.descriptionTesina (Maestría Profesionalizante, especialista en Paisaje y Turismo Rural).- Colegio de Postgraduados, 2019.es_MX
dc.description.abstractEl objetivo de la tesina “Estrategias para la planificación de una Vía Verde en la Barranca de Metlac, Municipios de Fortín e Ixtaczoquitlán, Veracruz, México”, fue proponer un conjunto de estrategias que ayuden a la planificación de un proyecto de Vía Verde en el contexto de los municipios antes mencionados. Con un enfoque de investigación cualitativa, se empleó un diseño mixto conformado por un diseño fenomenológico y estudio de caso comparativo. Los resultados se describen en 35 estrategias desarrolladas en 14 etapas. Las principales acciones identificadas en el éxito de los proyectos Vía Verde de la Sierra y las Vías Verdes Jalisco han sido; la voluntad política para la gestión del proyecto, el financiamiento público, una imagen corporativa, una gestión permanente, el aprovechamiento responsable del patrimonio natural, cultural (tangible e intangible) y el patrimonio ferroviario de sus paisajes, y para que en el contexto mexicano tenga éxito, el proyecto debe servir primero a las comunidades locales y resultará imperante la participación social. Finalmente se concluye que el área conocida como Barranca de Metlac es factible para desarrollar un proyecto de Vía Verde y centros culturales en las antiguas estaciones de ferrocarril. _______________ STRATEGIES FOR THE PLANNING OF A GREENWAY IN THE METLAC CANYON, MUNICIPALITIES OF FORTIN AND IXTACZOQUITLAN, VERACRUZ, MEXICO. ABSTRACT: The objective of the thesis “Strategies for the planning of a Greenway in the Metlac Canyon, Municipalities of Fortin and Ixtaczoquitlan, Veracruz, Mexico”, was to propose a set of strategies to help the planning of a Greenway project in the context of the aforementioned municipalities. With a qualitative research approach, a mixed design consisting of a phenomenological design and a comparative case study was used. The results are described in 35 strategies developed in 14 stages. The main actions identified in the success of the Via Verde de la Sierra and the Vías Verdes Jalisco projects have been; the political will to manage the project, public financing, a corporate image, permanent management, the responsible use of the natural, cultural heritage (tangible and intangible) and the railway heritage of its landscapes. For this kind of project in a Mexican context, it must first serve to local communities, and get their permanent support. Finally, it is concluded that in the area known as Barranca de Metlac it is feasible to develop a project of Greenway and Cultural Centers in the old railway stations.The objective of the thesis “Strategies for the planning of a Greenway in the Metlac Canyon, Municipalities of Fortin and Ixtaczoquitlan, Veracruz, Mexico”, was to propose a set of strategies to help the planning of a Greenway project in the context of the aforementioned municipalities. With a qualitative research approach, a mixed design consisting of a phenomenological design and a comparative case study was used. The results are described in 35 strategies developed in 14 stages. The main actions identified in the success of the Via Verde de la Sierra and the Vías Verdes Jalisco projects have been; the political will to manage the project, public financing, a corporate image, permanent management, the responsible use of the natural, cultural heritage (tangible and intangible) and the railway heritage of its landscapes. For this kind of project in a Mexican context, it must first serve to local communities, and get their permanent support. Finally, it is concluded that in the area known as Barranca de Metlac it is feasible to develop a project of Greenway and Cultural Centers in the old railway stations.es_MX
dc.description.sponsorshipConsejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACyT).es_MX
dc.subjectVía verdees_MX
dc.subjectPatrimonio natural y patrimonio culturales_MX
dc.subjectNatural heritage and cultural heritagees_MX
dc.subjectPaisaje y Turismo Rurales_MX
dc.titleEstrategias para la planificación de una Vía Verde en la Barranca de Metlac, municipíos de Fortín e Ixtaczoquitlán, Veracruz, México.es_MX
Tesis.contributor.advisorMúñoz-Márquez Trujillo, Rafael Arturo
Tesis.contributor.advisorGarcía Albarado, J. Cruz
Tesis.contributor.advisorSalinas Ruíz, Josafhat
Tesis.contributor.advisorOlavarrieta Marenco, Roberto de Jesús
Tesis.format.extent8,060 KBes_MX
Tesis.subject.nalBarranca de Metlac, Veracruz, Méxicoes_MX
Tesis.subject.nalFortín de las Flores, Veracruz, Méxicoes_MX
Tesis.subject.nalIxtaczoquitlán, Veracruz, Méxicoes_MX
Tesis.rightsAcceso abiertoes_MX
Articulos.subject.classificationPatrimonio culturales_MX
dc.contributor.directorMUÑOZ MARQUEZ TRUJILLO, RAFAEL ARTURO; 202480

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