Consumo voluntario y calidad de la dieta de corderas pelibuey en un sistema silvopastoril con Digitaria eriantha Steudel y Guazuma ulmifolia Lam
Se estimó el consumo de materia seca, la calidad nutritiva de la dieta y el comportamiento de ovinos bajo pastoreo–ramoneo en un sistema silvopastoril intensivo conformado por Digitaria eriantha Steudel y Guazuma ulmifolia Lam., en comparación con un monocultivo de D. eriantha, en dos épocas del año. Se utilizaron 12 ovinos hembras de raza Pelibuey, con 6.3 meses de edad y 23.74 ± 3.5 Kg PV, distribuidos al azar en dos tratamientos: pradera de D. eriantha (M) y la asociación de D. eriantha y G. ulmifolia (SP). El consumo voluntario de materia seca difirió por el efecto de la interacción de tratamiento y época (P = 0.049), siendo igual entre tratamientos durante la seca (59.2 ± 6.2 y 60.2 ± 9.2 g MS/kg PV0.75) y en nortes mayor en M (54.2 ± 9.5 y 41.2 ± 7.0 g MS/kg PV0.75). La calidad de la dieta en el SP tendió a tener mayor cantidad de nutrientes en seca, disminuyendo su calidad en los nortes y por lo contrario en M. El tiempo que los animales dedicaron al consumo varió entre tratamientos (P= 0.039). Hubo mayor tiempo dedicado al consumo en M (7.2 ± 0.9 h; P = 0.006) en comparación con el SP (7.0 ± 1.1 h; P = 0.006). Se concluye que el consumo de materia seca en SP es bajo y su mayor aporte en nutrientes es la época seca y depende de la época del año y que bajo las condiciones de esta investigación, los animales dedican mucho menos tiempo al consumo. _______________ VOLUNTARY INTAKE AND DIET QUALITY OF PELIBUEY LAMBS IN A SILVOPASTORAL SYSTEM WITH Digitaria eriantha Steudel AND
Guazuma ulmifolia Lam. ABSTRACT: Dry matter intake, dietary nutritional quality and the time sheep spent grazing and browsing were assessed in an intensive silvopastoral system consisting of Digitaria eriantha and Guazuma ulmifolia. The results were compared to those from a monoculture of D. eriantha between two seasons. Twelve female Pelibuey sheep having 6.3 months of age and 23.74 ± 3.5 kg live weight were assessed and were randomly distributed between two treatments: pastures of D. eriantha (M) and those of D. eriantha associated with G. ulmifolia (SP). Voluntary intake of dry matter was influenced by the interaction between treatment and season (P = 0.049), being equal between treatments during the dry season (59.2 ± 6.2 and 60.2 ± 9.2 g MS/kg PV0.75) and higher during the windy season in treatment M (54.2 ± 9.5 and 41.2 ± 7.0 g MS/kg PV0.75). Dietary quality in treatment SP improved due to more nutrients during the dry season, but declined during the windy season and in treatment M. The time dedicated to consumption by animals differed between treatments (P = 0.039). Animals spent more time consuming in treatment M (7.2 ± 0.9 h), compared to treatment SP (7.0 ± 1.1 h) (P = 0.006). Dry matter intake in treatment SP was low and there was greater nutrient intake during the dry season. Results depend on season and that under the conditions of this study animals spent less time consuming in silvopastoral systems.
- Tesis MC, MT, MP y DC [227]